We have been waiting for this day for a long time, the great showdown, but now we are a bit nervous. Be careful about what you wish for because you might regret it. I wonder how the followers of Jesus are feeling entering the city of Jerusalem. This might go very well or it might go horribly wrong. There are soldiers everywhere. Officials give glancing looks. As they enter the city the noose seems to close around them. The open countryside becomes encircled by battlement walls. Jesus seems remarkably focused. Every step and word is carefully placed. It is as if someone will light the fuse and all hell breaks loose. Psalm 23 comes to mind. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are there at my side.” When we walk in the midst of danger we call on God for courage to keep going. I wonder if Jesus ever showed fear? Did the humanity of the man show some beads of sweat on his brow? The apostles are very quiet. No more talk about who is the greatest here. The drama takes place in a very dignified gentlemanly kind of way. They go about their business of settling in. They have their dinner together. Jesus is very intense and deliberate. He seems to be giving out messages. “This is my body, this is my blood.” No idea what that means. It is all very mysterious. What is He saying? Jesus goes off to the garden outside to pray. Now the apostles follow quietly. It is like Jesus has gone from them. He doesn’t want to talk. Then we see the soldiers come with their officers. There is Judas. What’s he doing with them? Then Judas kisses Jesus and they arrest Him. It is like Jesus has left His humanity aside and embraced His divinity completely. He has left His apostles. They will now become part of the crowd. The great drama takes place and it is all happening too fast. What is actually happening here is that Jesus has taken upon Himself all the lies, deceit and wrongdoing I delight in. I should be whipped for the things I have done and got away with. I should be made to answer for my wrongdoing. I have a lot of apologizing to do to a lot of people. There are a thousand times I should ask people to forgive me for my sins but I am too stupid and stubborn to do it. There is a lot of unfinished business. I don’t know how I live with myself. Well, someone has to do it and it might as well be Jesus. He gladly takes upon Himself all my debts. He gladly takes upon Himself all the punishments that are my due alone. I don’t know how to make sense of it. The one who is divine and almighty chooses to let himself be made low. He is teaching us the lesson that we are accountable for the things we have done. The debt must be paid sooner or later, but it must be done. I can’t forgive you if you have never actually said sorry. You have never asked me to forgive you. I don’t care if your parents taught you to never say sorry to anyone. That is not a good lesson to teach your child. Because of all this, Jesus has allowed Himself to be taken in my place. The deed is done.