From: St. Catherine of Siena Church, Austin, Texas
We have learned that the City of Austin has restricted all gatherings to less than 250 people, including Church services. The Bishop has asked all Pastors to try to comply.
Sunday's Mass schedule will still be followed. However, the number of people in the sanctuary will be limited to 250. Additional people will be directed to the Parish Center to watch the live-feed. The number in the Parish Center will also be limited to 250. Our total capacity is 500.
Please keep in mind the Bishop's recent directive regarding this situation. This excerpt is included for your reference.
"Parishioners who are concerned about attending Mass due to their own health condition, or that of others, are excused from the Sunday obligation. Parishioners with a high risk of contracting a virus due to illness, age, chronic health conditions or a compromised immune system should remain at home and join the parish in prayer through a spiritual communion. This may also apply to caregivers."
Your attentiveness to your personal health and that of our Community is of paramount importance.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Patrick Coakley