After the opening rites of the Mass, the presider calls K - 5th grade children to come forth to follow leaders to the day chapel. The children will hear the Sunday Scriptures from the Lectionary for Masses with Children which is better suited to their age and understanding. The children participate in a reflection of the readings to help them to understand the meaning. An age-appropriate Profession of Faith and Prayers of the Faithful follows. All this takes place at the same time and pace as the Mass in the church. During the collection, the children then return to their seats.
In response to the directives of the US Bishops in their Directory for Masses with Children which states "it is necessary to take great care that the children do not feel neglected because of their inability to participate or understand what happens and what is proclaimed in the celebration."
If you have a love for Scripture and a desire to share that love with the children, contact Jennifer in the Liturgy Office. Training and resources will be provided.