An examination of conscience is a way to hold ourselves accountable before God and each other for living in a way that is true to our intent. Some refer to it as an examination of consciousness: scanning our motives, thoughts, and actions to detect our loyalty to or betrayal of the priorities we hold as Catholic Christians.
Archishop Gregory Aymond, former bishop of Austin, compiled a format for an examination of conscience. As reported in the Diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Spirit, Archbishop Aymond encourages Christians to reflect upon their lives, as a stepping stone to live a more virtuous life.
For a Printable (PDF) version of this examination, please click here.
A Review of My Life
These questions can be used on a daily basis and/or on preparation for receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. They were part of a presentation by Archishop Gregory Aymond given at seven parishes in the spring of 2006
Family (vocation)