1. Take a photo of your children or youth on Saturday or Sunday before or after Mass next to the Liturgical Seek & Find item for each month. (See below for the list of items for the monthly Liturgical Seek & Find.)
2. Email that photo directly to stcatherinehomework@gmail.com. Make sure to include your children's names in the email.
3. Submit the form below. (Form and photo must be submitted twice each month.)
4. You're done!
Liturgical Seek & Find
Please take photos of your children or youth standing next to or in front of the liturgical item each month. Please do not take photos during Mass or of children and youth while attending Mass.
September Baptismal Font or Holy Water Font
October Something Marian (statue, picture, etc.)
November The altar
December Anything Advent (Advent wreath, purple, pink, etc.)
January Anything Christmas and/or green for Ordinary Time
February Candles (for Candlemas/The Feast of the Presentation)
March Anything Lenten
April Anything Easter
May The doors of the church.