Mobile Loaves and Fishes serves the Austin area by providing meals, toiletries and clothing to the homeless in our area.
Items that are needed
Men's white tube socks
New packaged underwear mens and womens
Womens socks
Toothpaste and toothbrushes
Granola bars
For the winter months: hats, scarves, and gloves
Monetary support by way of checks made out to Mobile Loaves and Fishes and delivered to the Community Ministry Office.
An ecumenical ministry that provides sack dinners, beverages, toiletries and clothing items to the Homeless on the streets of Austin. The St. Catherine Team goes out every 3 rd Saturday morning. Volunteers can serve on the Make Ready Team by making sandwiches and getting the truck ready or they can serve on the Truck Team which delivers the food and other items to the homeless and working poor around Austin. Many families are involved, as their children can easily participate. The Make Ready Team is great for families.
Community First! Village
A program of Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Community First! Village is a 27 acre master-planned community that will provide affordable, sustainable housing and a supportive community for the disabled, chronically homeless in Central Texas.
The Community First! Village includes:
An innovative mix of affordable housing options
Places for worship, study, and fellowship
Memorial garden and columbarium
A community garden featuring fruit and nut bearing trees and vegetables
A chicken operation, bee hives producing fresh honey and an aquaponics fish operation
A workshop with tool bank and art gallery for micro-enterprise opportunities
A medical facility for physical and mental health screenings and support services including hospice and respite care
Walking trails
An outdoor theater and Bed & Breakfast for mission visits
Walking distance to public transportation
St. Catherine of Siena is working to forge an ongoing volunteer relationship with Community First. If you would like to participate in a monthly service project, call 512-892-2433