The dictionary defines Epiphany as any moment of sudden or great revelation. The birth of the Lord Jesus becomes an Epiphany. This is the enlightenment we have been talking about. A constant reminder to remember that the word LIGHT lives in the midst of the word enlightenment. The Lord Jesus is the Light of the World. We remember the prophet Isaiah way back in the start of Advent talking about the people in darkness searching for the light. Isaiah told them that the light would be found in the Temple of Jerusalem. Isaiah also said that all people, Jew and Gentile are looking for this light. On the feast of Epiphany those Gentile people came to the manger to find the light of the World. These Gentiles were very exotic coming from the East. They had an eastern grace and beauty about them. They were considered to be Wise Men searching for truth. No doubt being people of the desert they travelled with the convoys of animals and servants. The Nomads of the desert have this lovely rhythm about them. I remember watching Michael Palin crossing the desert in his documentary “Sahara.” They moved across the dunes unhurried travelling at the same pace all the time. All they were short of was some oboe music to accompany them. Quietly but at a steady pace the exotic Wise Men crossed the desert in search of this special baby. Herod is all confusion because he doesn’t know what to make of it all. His greatest fears are coming true right before his eyes. Being the King he probably expected that these Wise Men would bow at his altar. Instead he becomes like a messenger boy giving directions to find this new born King. They ignore him. A bit humiliating for a King. We have that lovely display at the manger. The noble men prostrating themselves doing homage to the new King. The wonderment of Mary and Joseph feeling a little bit afraid. Maybe these strangers are assassins sent as a gift from Herod? Truly the gifts are a little bit over the top. In a primitive society like theirs maybe a few blankets and some food would make more sense. Truly these gifts are symbolic. You can check out Wikipedia for the meaning. I am not going to do that for you as well. The story of the visit of the Wise Kings is all very noble and mysterious. The message is simple. The Good News that the Savior is born is good news for all the people of the world, be they Jew or Gentile, servant or free, Long Horns or Aggies. It don’t matter. We are all called to salvation.