We continue today with our Eschatological readings. The end of time is nigh. Be warned. First, we are given the virtues of a worthy wife in the first reading. This is a chance for all our wives to coo and simper. I always wanted to put that into a sentence. A worthy wife is marvelous. That is the first reading. She is far beyond pearls. Husbands, “she brings you good and not evil all the days of her life.” She is great at weaving a scarf. She gives to the poor. We love this. But then we crash and burn. “Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting.” O well, it was good for a while. Paul gives us the context, “concerning times and seasons.” When people say peace and security and all is well, then disaster comes. Paul reminds us that we are children of the light and children of the day. Let us stay alert and sober. Jesus takes up the theme in the gospel, the parable of the talents. While we enjoy this wonderful gift of life we are to use our time wisely. We are not to waste it. We have all been given gifts of talent and we are to use them. Some have been given loads of talents. They can do everything. They know everything. They make sure you know they know everything. I know someone like that. At the end the Master will ask us to give an account of ourselves. This is judgment day. What am I to say? How did you spend your days? Did you pay it forward? Did you reach out to those who needed help? Did you make the world a better place? A day comes when there is no room for excuses. Did you, or didn’t you. It is as simple as that. My actual opinion is that we should do the best that we can. I wake up after a great night’s sleep. I feel marvelous. I set out to do the best that I can. Everyone said I was like a walking saint I was so marvelous. I did the best I could and I achieved lots. Then I had a terrible night’s sleep. I woke up like a demon. I still tried to do the best I could. Not so much this time. I bellowed and roared all day. I was Satan on the I35. People at work all ran away from me. At the end I didn’t achieve a whole lot, but I tried. I think on judgment day I can say that. Did the best I could good and bad. I think that will get me into Heaven for sure. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Heaven? Piece of cake.
With love, Fr. Pat