Everyone is invited to our Christmas Celebration and Farewell to Jeanette Britt on Sat., Dec. 17. We will begin with Christmas Carols in the Church at 6:30 PM, then enjoy sweet and savory treats in the Parish Center. Bring a Christmas dessert or savory snack to share. RSVP online and let us know what you will bring to share.
Parish Offices will be closed Wed., Nov. 23 through Fri., Nov. 25. Daily Mass will be celebrated at 12 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday. We will have our Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. (There will be no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on these days.) Have a safe and blessed holiday.
We are accepting $25 gift cards for Walmart, Target, Visa, as well as cash and checks. Drop off gift cards in the box on the Giving Tree table in the narthex, the collection basket at Mass, or to the Parish Office. You can also make an online donation!
St. Catherine is hosting a World Cup 5v5 Soccer Tournament on Sat., Dec. 3 and 10. Get your kids' teams together for a fun day of soccer, community and World Cup games! While the kids are outside playing, soccer fans are invited to watch the pros play on the big screen in Johnson Hall. Food and refreshments will be available.
The SVDP Thrift Store Truck will be in our parking lot on Nov. 5 & 6, 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., collecting your clean, gently used clothing, shoes, small household items, books, toys, kitchen items, linens, and the like. Computers, LCD monitors, and printers will also be accepted. Tax donation receipts will be available.
One of our beloved parish customs is that on All Souls’ Day, we offer an evening Mass to remember all the loved ones of our parish and of our parishioners who have died in the last year. Families of recently deceased loved ones for whom we have prayed at weekend Mass or in a funeral liturgy have sent photos for our Book of the Dead. View the online book at stcatherine-austin.org/book-of-the-dead.