Repairs to the computer server are complete. We are almost back to normal operations. Telephone and email communication is restored. However, the service tech made temporary repairs to the A/C in Church that we hope will hold for the weekend Masses. If the fix does not hold, we may need to move the Masses to the Parish Center. Your patience and understanding as these issues are resolved is most appreciated.
“I am grateful for the Supreme Court’s decision that upholds the gift of life given to us by God. The Church’s commitment to protect human life from conception until natural death remains steadfast. I hope this ruling is met with genuine respect for one another and care for the common good,” says the Most Reverend Joe Vásquez, Bishop of Austin. Click article to read the full letter
Our Lenten Gifts for India turned out to be a grand success with all your support and contributions. My heartfelt thanks to our beloved pastor, Fr. Pat, for inviting all our parish community to extend your generous hand towards the various missions in India. Under his spiritual leadership, we received a tremendous response. (Click this article to read the full letter.)
Community Ministries is hosting a Baby Shower to benefit mothers and babies in need. Drop off donations to the CMO Office, the Main Office, or the wicker basket in the narthex. We are asking for donations of the following items (all unwrapped): diapers (size 1, 2, & 5), baby wipes, socks, burp pads, bibs, baby towels, washcloths, Walmart & Target gift cards. Thank you!
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez calls the faithful of the Diocese of Austin to prayerfully begin a Eucharistic Revival with the theme “That they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). Join Bishop Vásquez on June 18, the Saturday before the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), to kick off the Diocese of Austin Eucharistic Revival. The day begins with 8:30 a.m. Mass at San José Parish in Austin (2435 Oak Crest Ave) followed by a 1-mile procession at 9:40 a.m. to St. Edward's University’s Main Building (3001 South Congress) where Bishop Vásquez will lead us in Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration) at 10 a.m.