Is it time to find your way back? Sometimes we leave the Church in anger, sometimes we just drift away. But something keeps calling us back.
There’s an old saying that goes, “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or quite some time, but somehow you now feel a tug at your heart calling you back home to the Catholic Church. That’s why we’re inviting you to “Come Home for Christmas”
Whether or not you know you want to return to the Catholic Church, we’re here to help you take that second look.
That mysterious pull inside you, driving you to look into your faith once more, comes directly from God. Your Heavenly Father is yearning for a relationship with you again, in the Church founded by Jesus 2000 years ago. He’s waiting for you with open arms.
The Church has compelling answers to all of your questions. The Catholic Church has never wavered in its mission to spread truth and love throughout the world. The Lord wants us all to know and understand His truth, so we can embrace it wholeheartedly and live by it. Christ himself reminds us that “The truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
Consider this a sign, and your invitation to rediscover the truth, wonder and mystery of the Catholic faith. We are family. Welcome home! No reservations necessary!
If you'd like to speak to someone first, we're here to listen and to help, if we can. email Pam.