An Ash Wednesday Prayer Service is led by a prayerful member of the community, a Priest, Deacon, Pastoral Associate, or other lay person.
The Prayer Service includes the scripture readings of the day, an Old Testament Reading, a Psalm, a New Testament Epistle, and a Gospel passage. The Presider then speaks about the readings. After the readings and reflection, the Ash Ministers, lay persons within the community, are commissioned to distribute the previously blessed ashes.
The assembly will receive their ashes. They can reflect upon the ash reception and the words, "Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." After the distribution of the ashes, the person can leave or pray while waiting for the presider to close with a sending forth prayer.
The prayer service will last about 20 - 30 minutes. The Liturgy of the Eucharist, that is, Communion, is not usually part of this service.
Prayer Services are often held at large Catholic parishes, in addition to Ash Wednesday Masses, to accommodate the many devout Christians who wish to begin their observance of Lent with the blessing of the ashes. It is not required for observant Catholic Christians to attend Mass upon this first day of Lent.
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